The Network provides free expert and empowering advice and tools on a variety of subjects, including healing, health/wellness, happy life, college success, vocabulary-building, and more!

The Empowering Sites Network is a content compendium with a mission to help you improve your life... all with free tools, expert advice, and links to the best resources to help you succeed in these areas:

  • Healing, Health, and Wellness

  • Nature and Adventure

  • Life Success Tools

  • College Achievement

  • Vocabulary

We're also a wellness/healing book publishing company, with three exciting titles! Please check out:

Empower Your Life!

Healing Revolution Diet book coverHealing Revolution Diet book cover is a site designed to provide practical and useful life hacks, tips, tools, suggestions, and how-to articles for succeeding in key aspects of life, career, relationships... healing, health/wellness, living, camping, traveling, and adventuring. is designed to empower college students of all ages to succeed in college by providing professor-generated advice, tips, and tools for studying and achieving greater academic success.